
Grade 6 - संस्कृत

द्वितीयः पाठः

शब्दपरिचयः - II

एषा का?
एषा दोला।
दोला कुत्र अस्ति?
दोला उपवने अस्ति।

What is this?
This is a swing.
Where is the swing?
The swing is in the garden.

एषा - she, it or this (feminine); का - who or what (feminine)

दोला - swing; उपवने - in the garden

सा का?
सा घटिका।
घटिका किं सूचयति?
घटिका समयं सूचयति।

What is that?
That is a clock.
What does the clock indicate?
The clock indicates the time.

एषा and सा both mean she or it (feminine).
एषा is used to refer to a person or an object nearby while सा is used for a person or an object away from the speaker. Hence, एषा and सा can also imply this and that.

घटिका : clock; सूचयति : indicates, informs

एते के?
किम् एते कोकिले?
न, एते चटके।
चटके किं कुरुतः?
एते विहरतः।

What are these (two)?
Are they cuckoos?
No, these are two sparrows.
What are the sparrows doing?
They are hopping.

एते के? can also mean Who are they (female)?.

चटके :two sparrows; कोकिले : two cuckoos

कुरुतः - doing; विहरतः - hopping.

ते के?
ते चालिके स्तः।
ते किं कुरुतः?
ते वाहनं चालयतः।

Who are they (two)?
They (both) are women drivers.
What are doing?
They are driving cars.

ते is those two (feminine) while एते is these two (feminine).

चालिके : two women drivers; वाहनः : car.

चालयतः - driving.

एताः काः?
एताः स्थालिकाः।
किम् एताः गोलाकाराः?
आम्, एताः गोलाकाराः एव।

What are these?
These are plates.
Are they circular?
Yes, they are indeed circular.

एताः - these; स्थालिकाः -plates;

गोलाकाराः -circular/round;

आम् - yes;

एव - indeed or ही in Hindi

ताः काः?
ताः अजाः।
ताः किं कुर्वन्ति?
ताः चरन्ति।

What are those?
Those are goats.
What are they doing?
They are grazing.

ताः is those (feminine) while एताः is these (feminine).

अजाः : goats; कुर्वन्ति : doing.

चरन्ति : grazing.